Daily Dose Installation
Daily Dose Installation by Heather Page, a 7’ by 6’ by 6’ house constructed of translucent silkscreen prints that explores how we shape nature and it shapes us
Daily Dose
Daily Dose by Heather Page is a 24” by 18” silkscreen print on vellum whose vibrant calligraphic lines pay homage to audacious wallpaper patterns of the past
High Peeks Installation
High Peeks Installation by Heather Page is an art installation of 24” by 18” prints on panel that pay homage to audacious floral wallpaper patterns of the past
High Peeks
High Peeks by Heather Page is a 24” by 18” intaglio, relief, and silkscreen print on panel that pays homage to audacious floral wallpaper patterns of the past