Heather Page Artworks


L'Éclaircie by Heather Page is a 20” by 15” by 2” abstract artwork on panel of brightly-colored woodburned, painted, & silkscreened lichens on a copper ground

Pyrography, painting, silkscreen, relief print, and collage on copper-gilded paper on panel – 20”h x 15”w x 2”d – An éclaircie is a break in the clouds…

La Brunante

La Brunante by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in purples & reds bordered by lacy white cloud shapes

La Brunante by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract monoprint on paper representing the magic & tranquility of the transitional moments between day & night


L’Aurore by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in pinks, violets, & golds edged in lacy white cloud shapes

L’Aurore by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract monoprint on paper inspired by the vibrant hues of sunsets and sunrises along Colorado’s Front Range

Le Pétillement

Le Pétillement by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in red & purple tones rimmed in lacy white cloud shapes

Le Pétillement by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square monoprint on paper that celebrates the interplay of light as it dances through the atmosphere at sunset

La Crépuscule

La Crépuscule by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in purples & reds bordered by lacy white cloud shapes

La Crépuscule by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract silkscreen & relief monoprint in purples & reds that pays homage to the splendor of Colorado sunsets.

La Lueur

La Lueur by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in reds, purples, & golds with a border of lacy white cloud shapes

La Lueur by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract monoprint on paper celebrating Colorado’s often fiery sunsets and the wonders that surround us every day


L’Éclat by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in red, orange, & purple tones edged in lacy white cloud shapes

L’Éclat by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract silkscreen & relief monoprint on paper that pays tribute to the riot of colors in Colorado’s radiant sunsets


L’Aube by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in orange, red, & violet tones edged in lacy white cloud shapes

L’Aube by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square abstract silkscreen & relief monoprint on paper inspired by the ethereal sunrises and sunsets of Colorado’s Front Range

Le Scintillement

Le Scintillement by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in red, purple, & gold tones bordered by lacy white cloud shapes

Le Scintillement by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square monoprint on paper that celebrates the interplay of light as it dances through the atmosphere at sunset


L’Étincellement by Heather Page, a 6.25 inch square abstract silkscreen and relief monoprint in reds, oranges, & purples surrounded by lacy white cloud shapes

L’Étincellement by Heather Page is a 6.25″ square monoprint on paper inspired by the entrancing interplay of light as it dances through the atmosphere at sunset

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