Heather Page Artworks

La Grêle

La Grêle is included in my Parlour Games Series, which delves into what subjects, palettes, and levels of visual chaos are considered culturally acceptable to showcase in our homes.

Named after the French word for hail, La Grêle’s woodburned, painted, and silkscreened lichens remind me of ice crystals illuminated by sunlight and reflecting surrounding colors post-hailstorm.

In our homes, we often showcase benign elements of nature that are shaped and controlled by human hands. I believe it is important to include the untamed side of nature in our everyday living spaces. The lichens showcased in this artwork mirror the limited palette, repetition of shapes, and ornate materials of decorative abstract artworks we typically display in our homes. However the lichens that serve as the motif for this piece are often disregarded, undervalued, and trampled upon. La Grêle serves as a reminder to respect and embrace the beauty in all parts of nature – the lowly, the wild, as well as the majestic.

Media:  Pyrography, painting, silkscreen, collage, and wax grattage on aluminum-gilded mulberry paper on panel

Size: 14 7/8” h x 23 7/16” w x 2” d

Edition: 1/1

SeriesParlour Games

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