Pyrography, painting, silkscreen, relief print, and collage on copper-gilded paper on panel – 20”h x 15”w x 2”d – An éclaircie is a break in the clouds…
La Tempête
La Tempête by Heather Page is a 20” by 26” by 2” monoprint on panel of a cloudburst of gilded, woodburned, silkscreened, and collaged lichens on a copper ground
L’Électrisation du Nuage
L’Électrisation du Nuage by Heather Page is an 11 13/16” square monoprint on gilded panel of a tower of clouds of woodburned, painted, and silkscreened lichens
Les Amas Nuageux
Les Amas Nuageux by Heather Page is an 11 7/8”h by 17 1/8”w by 2”d monoprint on panel of woodburned, silkscreened, relief-printed, & painted clouds of lichens
La Giboulée
La Giboulée by Heather Page is a 16 5/8” by 19 5/8” by 2” monoprint on panel of woodburned and silkscreened lichens in blue, yellow, and red on a copper ground
Après l’orage
Après l’orage by Heather Page, a 19 3/4” by 19 5/8” by 2” painting, silkscreen & relief print on panel of fluffy sunset-hued clouds of fungi on a copper ground
Les Fleurs de Givre
Les Fleurs de Givre by Heather Page is a 10.5” by 19.75” by 2” silkscreen on panel representing frost through images of lichens in icy greens, blues, & silver
La Pluie Fantôme
La Pluie Fantôme by Heather Page, a 12” by 20.5” by 2” silkscreen print on silver-gilded panel of an abstract sun above a line of clouds dripping over lichens
Le Brouillard Givrant
Le Brouillard Givrant by Heather Page is an 11 3/4” by 23 7/8” by 2” silkscreen & relief print on silver-gilded panel of lichen patterns in orange, pink, & gold
La Brume
La Brume by Heather Page is a 12 inch by 20 inch by 2 inch abstract monoprint on panel of a mist of silkscreened lichens and mold diagrams over a copper field