Heather Page Artworks


L’Aube, meaning dawn, is a part of my Atmospheric Scintillations series, which is inspired by the ethereal sunrises and sunsets of the Front Range.

The iridescence of dawn light is truly enchanting. The clouds, embellished with vivid tones of violet, orange, and red form a breathtaking display. As the sun slowly rises above the horizon, sunlight’s blues and purples scatter off molecules in the air, allowing warmer tones to dominate the sky. This lively scintillation is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, and how it can leave us speechless with its magnificence.

L’Aube, meaning dawn, is a part of my Atmospheric Scintillations series, which is inspired by the ethereal sunrises and sunsets of the Front Range.

The iridescence of dawn light is truly enchanting. The clouds, embellished with vivid tones of violet, orange, and red form a breathtaking display. As the sun slowly rises above the horizon, sunlight’s blues and purples scatter off molecules in the air, allowing warmer tones to dominate the sky. This lively scintillation is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, and how it can leave us speechless with its magnificence.

Media: Silkscreen, relief print, and collage on Somerset white and Crown Kozo papers

Size: 6 1/4″ h x 6 1/4″ w

Edition: 1/1

SeriesAtmospheric Scintillations

L’Aube is a monoprint on paper, printed from four silkscreens and over twenty relief plates.

To learn more about silkscreening, relief printing, and monoprinting, please visit my About Prints page.

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